No-one ever becomes great and stays great by themselves!

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What is a confident woman? Is it a myth or does the confident woman exist in all women? What makes a woman confident and how does she keep it? Life has its inevitable ups and downs and it’s natural to be overwhelmed or even knocked over by life. When that happens how can a woman dust herself off, get her head back into the right mindset and stand back up again when she thinks she’s got nothing left and no ‘perceived’ support around her? Sound familiar to you or a woman you know?

Jen Harwood, daughter, sister, ex-wife, aunty, step-mum, wife, mother, business owner, employer and leadership expert, has been working in the field of business leadership and success for over 15 years. She has also been a woman for the last 44 years. Though her work she has coached and mentored thousands of women and one thing is clear to Jen – all women, no matter who they are, what they have, where they live or what they do, will have at least one (if not more) experiences that have the potential to crush their confidence.

This book has been written for women who are in a number of places in their life:
- They are dealing with a life experience that is reducing their confidence in every moment
- They are though a challenge and putting their life back together again
- They are doing great, all is going well and it’s time to reinforce any confidence gaps
- They have a friend who is challenged in life and their confidence is dropping
- Or, you are a man and a women you love needs you to understand and support her!

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