No-one ever becomes great and stays great by themselves!

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Contributors to the Confident Woman Book include:

Everyone below has shared their story. Some of the women run their own business, offer unique services and would genuinely love to hear how they have helped you or a woman who’s read this book. Feel free to contact them direct or email your comments and we will pass it on to them.

Antoinette Colbran and her husband owned a business which turned over $22m annually until the State Government in NSW changed legislation that virtually wiped it out overnight. Being a woman of the lifestyle the business created, Antoinette realised she needed to step up and take control big time. Antoinette will share how she managed this significant change, the many lows and dark times associated with massive financial change as well as the impact made by decisions by her ‘advisors’ which she was unaware of. Antoinette’s story is about heeding the signs and taking control financially in partnership with business partner/ husband to the point of no decision being made without it being a joint one.

To purchase her book email:

    EMAIL: | PHONE: 1300 791 291 | POST: PO Box 161, Cremorne Junction, NSW, 2090, Australia

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